domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

How many of these have you done?

On days like today I go through all the things that I have

achieved so far, even more when I am in this transition

scenario… when everything seems to be still too

unfinished to let me do something new.

"Write a Best-seller, swim with dolphins, win an award, catch a fish with your bare hands, make a discovery, throw a house party when your parents are out, be a part of a threesome, realize your childhood dream, learn an instrument, leave your mark in graffiti, get a piece of art into an exhibition, meet someone with your own name, ride the world’s biggest rollercoasters, stage dive or crowd surf, get into the Guinness Book of World Records, Own a pointless collection, Study the Kama Sutra and put theory to practice, master poker and win big in a casino, get backstage and get off with a rock god, be a human guinea pig, go up in a hot air balloon, get arrested, see a space shuttle launch, capture the moment in an award-winning photograph, bungee jump, see an erupting volcano, sky dive, meet your idol, stay in the best suite of a five star hotel, experience weightlessness, see the aurora borealis, get to score a hole in one, design your own cocktail, play a part in your favorite tv show, visit every country, make fire without matches, see a lion in the wild, go to the dogs, get a free upgrade on a plane, be friends with your ex, hit your targets, throw a dart into a map and travel where it lands, attend a film premiere, do a runner from a fancy restaurant, scuba dive, milk a cow, learn another language (Spanish, pleeeease), read the greatests books ever written, make at least one huge purchase you can’t afford, see the all-time greatest films (Gone with the wind…), live in the place you love, visit the most famous world sites, save someone’s life, in various languages learn to say…, have enough money to do all the things on this list, invent something, learn Astronomy and read the Night Sky ( nont tired of readying yet?hehe), spend Christmas on the beach, sell all your junk on eBay and make profit, visit the world’s tallest buildings, conquer your fear, throw away the instant noodles, own an original work of art, get something named after you, drive across America from coast to coast, score the winning goal/try/basket, get a tattoo and/or a piercing, get married unusually, be present when your country wins the World Cup, see both solar and lunar eclipses, write your name over a star on the walk of fame, gatecrash a fancy party, take place in a police line-up, join the Mile High Club, make the front page of a national newspaper, drive a car at top speed, shout “drinks an on me on a pub or bar”, be part of a flash mob, get away with the perfect joke or hoax, have adventurous sex, invent a word that makes into the dictionary, stand on the international date line, learn how to fly a plane, confess, get revenge, run a marathon, go on a demonstration (no war!), live out of a van, complete the monopoly board pub craw, publish a cult website, build your own house, drink a vintage wine, get barred from a pub or bar, answer a personal ad, join the 16 mile high club, skinny dip at midnight, reach 100 years of age, continue your gene pool, leave a job you hate, be an extra in a film."

(Richard Horne)

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