jueves, 28 de junio de 2007

my so called life.

One of my fav shows as a teenager...'cause I was as weird as she was...

Angela : "There's so many different ways to be connected to people.
There are the people you feel this unspoken connection to,
even though there's not even a word for it.
There's the people who you've known forever, who know you in
this way that other people can't, because they've seen you
...they've let you change."


Angela :What I was thinking, as like a New Year's
resolution, is to stop getting so caught up in my
own thoughts,'cause I'm like way too introspective...I think.
"..but what if not thinking turns me into this shallow
person? I better rethink this becoming less introspective

Jordan :"Wait a second, isn't tonight, New Year's Eve?

Angela :"..okay, so I'll stay introspective, but I do resolve to stop
doing Jordan Catalano's homework."


Angela: Huge events take place on this Earth every day. Earthquakes, hurricanes. Even glaciers move. So, why couldn't he just...look at me?


Angela: Love...is when you look into someone's eyes, and suddenly, you go all the way inside...to their soul...and you both know, instantly. I always imagined I would fall in love, nursing a blind soldier.Who was wounded in battle. Or maybe while rescuing someone in the middle of a blizzard, seconds before the avalanche hits. I thought, at least, by the age of fifteen, I would have a love life. But, I don't even have a "like" life.

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